Berceto Foundation dance of 02/28/2016
A succesfull Dance , almost 200 attendees, thanks to Anna Sabini  the President of the Berceto Foundation and a group of volunteers ( Noemi Serpagli, Delma DelSignore, Anna Conti).We were also honored by the presence of the mayor of Berceto Luigi Lucchi and his entourage of six (Pietralunga Achille, Percudani Tiberio, Chiari Debora, Caterina & Giovanni, & Claudio Anelli). The Mayor has been attending our dances for many years and the Foundation sees him as a great ambassador of good will.
After a short speech  from the Mayor of Berceto, Fr. Frank welcomed the group with a short prayer  "Signore, benedici il primo cittadino di Berceto insieme a chi lo accompagna tra noi. Guarda con bonta’ tutti gli ospiti della Casa di Riposo di Berceto e dona loro fiducia e  serenita’ mentre vivono questa stagione della loro vita, che volge  inesorabilmente al tramonto. Illumina i loro giorni con la certezza che i loro concittadini oltreoceano li pensano con simpatia e sono loro vicini" , after that, the party started with great food and happy smiles. We would like to thanks all who contributed to the 21 raffled baskets ( Lina & Franko, Piccolo restaurant, Nicola Restaurant, Rino Spagnoli, Joe Olari, Claudio Pedretti for the flowers, Isle of Capri restaurant. We also had  our first singer debutant, Andrew Sabini who entertained us with a few songs.

Table#1 Karen Credon, Alfredo Armanini Noemi Serpagli, Anna Conti, Marie & Andrew Sabini,Aldo & Anna Sabini Delma Delsignore.
Table #2 Mario Dispensa and family and Guests.
Table#3 Mr & Mrs Aldo Beccarelli, Piero Gianni, John Vincini, Lina & Franko, Robert Spagnoli, Mr & Mrs Kevin Spagnoli.
Table#4 Luciano Sbuttoni, Mario Barbuti, Guerrino Corduri, Anita Costa.
Table#5 Rino Giordani, Antonia Cacchioli, Mary Castagnola, Rino DelCarro, Ilda Maggi
Table#6 Jack Lodi, Livio Zecca, Victor Soave, Joe Pinto, Mirella Restani.
Table#7 Primo Laurenti, Maria Franceschini, Lillian Dallara, Rose Cavazzini, Rosanna Socci.
Table#8 Mr & Mrs Peter Barbini, Peter and Sally Alzapiedi, Peter Raccasi, Bruno Capellini, Silvana Cremonini, Joe Scauri,Fr. Frank Grappoli, Olga Pappas, Diane Urban.
Table#9 Friend and Family of Delma Delsignore.
Table#12 Friend and family of Toni Ricci.
Table#14 Friends and family of Frank Ricci.
Table#16 Friends and Family of Stefano Polina.
Table#46 Joe Olari,Paride & Alba Rondanelli,Pietralunga Achille,  Percudani Tiberio, Chiari Debora, and other guests.
Table#47 Mr & Rino Spagnoli, Caterina & Giovanni,& Claudio Anelli, Luigi Lucchi Mayor of Berceto and other guests
Table#48 Francis Pioli Solarino, Victor & Peggy Pioli,and other guests.
Table#49 Friend and guests of Sereno Delsignore.
Table#50 Sereno & Lisa Delsignore. Mr & Mrs Angelo Delsignore, Carlo & Loretta Marioni.Guests and freinds.