Xaverian dance of September 30, 2012 sponsored by the Berceto Foundation.

Every year during this season the Berceto Foundation has a Dinner Dance in honor and benefit of the Xaverian Missionary of Parma.

The dance is organized by Anna Sabini, the president of the Foundation, with Fr. Frank Grappoli, rappresenting di Xaverian Mission.

This year the Mission has celebrated the 5oth anniversary of the association with the Berceto Foundation. Guest of honor was Rev. Robert Maloney SX, wlaborated on the history of this association. 

    It began with Fr. Giovanni Bonardi , of Pagazzano, Xaverian missionary and right hand to the Saint Founder Mnsgr.Conforti, honor and glory of Parma.

     Fr. Bonardi was sent on mission in China in 1904 with other Xaverians. Upon his  return he finds that his brother had emigrated to the USA. With the help of Lino Pietrantoni and other Parmigiani the two brothers meet again in New York after more the 40 years of separation and from this year on (1962) these dances hav been an annual event and also started the association between the Bercetese and the Xaverian of Parma.

    As usual the food and the music is nostrana which guarantees a enjoyable day for freind, neighbors and paesani.

The list of the envited are:

Table 1: Ugo & Anna Conti, Aldo & Anna Sabini, Delma Delsignore, Elvira Maggi.

Table 2: Lillian & Rita Dallara, Mary Boati, Rose & Victor Soave, Flavia & Pete Gianotta, Gianni & Elsa Nicovich , & Jack & Olga Pappas.

Table3: Rose Cavazzini, Roseanne Socci, Maria Franceschini, Franca Pioli Solarino,  Peter & Laura Barbini, & Ugo & Elsa Bacchioni.

Table 4: Stefano & Gina Pollino, Umberto & Silvia, Salvatore & Lucy, Baldassare & Alaria.

Table 5:  Joe & Agata Olari, Rino & Anna Spagnoli, Nello Pietrantoni, Eduardo & Maria Devincenzi ,Bruno Capellini, & Peter Raccasi.

Table 6: Joe & Monique Robin and freinds.

Table 7:Fred & Hannah Urillo, Frank & Elizabeth Viola, Edda Smocovich, & Elizabeth .

Table 8: Maria & Frank Diallo.

Table 9: Mr & Mrs R. DelCarro, Mr & Mrs R. Giordani, Mrs A. Cacchioli, Mrs H. Maggi

Table10: Whithey Joe Basteri , Lee Basteri, Mario & Nancy Lee Raccasi, Rev. Robert Maloney, Fr. Frank Grappoli, Judi  Meo & Mia Bacchioni.

Table11: Mr & Mrs Peter Vignola, Pat & Laurette Coppolecchia, Eugene Pietrantoni, John, Bettina, Mary & Sean Branley, & Mary V. Pietrantoni.

Table12: Lina Taglioni, Franko Neretich, Giovanna Vecchio, Pietro Gianni, Mr & Mrs Giovanni Mazzani Mr & Mrs Tony Herelja, & Rita Bani..